When I first posted my futuristic home drawings, one asked what kind of people would live in them. I could not answer well at that time because I didn't know what the future beings would be like. Since then some light has come to me in the face of all the changes going on.
We will go back to nature, not hanging out in the woods or being a farmer. We will get in touch with our inner consciousness. According to some folks we have entered the Aquarian Age by reason of two events, the procession of the equinoxes and the types of changes Uranus it's ruler has brought, invention, electricity and the scientific overtake of religion and superstition. Long established social, religious and political traditions are disrupted. Institutions are being affected, the cause is of course the inward consciousness of people being redirected. In other words, a new vibration is hammering our planet via the new position of things in our universe, new harmonics.
We are struggling to find ourselves, still don't know what to call ourselves. We can't find a definitive answer from our past associations and affiliations. We turn within, the place the major religions told us not to go or where we don't have time to go for being so busy with everything else. We as a people need to not live in our minds on the level of base desires nor be seduced by emotionalized religious fervor. Being spiritual is more internal (experienced) and scientific (documented) but not at all religious (dogma, fear and guilt) or based on faith (not knowing). Materialism is being demolished as a economic incentive and the personal gratification motive. The reason less is more is because the inner awareness becomes more important than the outward accumulation of things and our preoccupation with how we appear to others via those things. Life becomes simpler.
We need a place to shelter us, to gather family, receive friends and allow us to bathe and poop to our hearts content, to cook and store our food. Then we need to see the morning and setting sun and see a green world around us, the night sky. This can not be had if we don't change on the inside. When the secret insides are changed the outward world changes to match us (not the other way around). The evidence is the things around us now and the world around us now, it matches us. We change, it all changes. We elevate, it all improves. Education only improves us does not elevate us. Religion puts us in stasis, spirituality lifts us, elevates us, causes things to change because we have inwardly changed.
So in my homes, a bedroom is a sleeping chamber. I see large open living spaces, places for reflection and for horsing around, a small dark meditation room. Keep TV's connected to the outside world small (a laptop), perhaps large video for personal programming, art, music. Food gardens are a must, meat and cheese from a local market. Our people should let go (death grip) of heavily marketed sports, entertainment and other cotton fields. We should invent technologies that take us off the energy plantations be it solar or a self contained quantum quark psytronic generator (heats/cools air and water, refrigerates and supplies electricity. We learn to grow/eat fresh food year around and perfect food storage methods which means change what we eat also. Our kitchens don't need every appliance for every day cooking, besides catering is a good business. We have diversity or options in so many areas that we can't concentrate on anything that benefits us. Diversity, options, abundance coupled with ego gratification, concern for appearance and lack of resources, why the hell does competition and a stigma have to be attached to everything and for a higher price?
My homes will be inhabited by a people with an elevated mind and spirit. That is more needful than high education or high finance or high status. Just everyday dark peoples who by turning within themselves are restored to all the power and dignity that we were legendary known to possess and then some.