Topics: Astronomy, Exoplanets, Planetary Science, Space Exploration
All Posts (6436)
On the dot: Researchers have found that GQDs reduce fibrils in mice with Parkinson's |
Topics: Biology, Graphene, Nanotechnology, Quantum Dots
Could graphene quantum dots help treat Parkinson’s disease? Belle Dumé, Physics World
AZ Quotes dot com - Joseph Pulitzer |
Topics: Commentary, Existentialism, Politics
Hello everyone this is my first time doing a blog here. I'm usually just posting art or in the chat.
If you can please out my webtoons comic Enigma. Read, rate, like and comment on it. =) Feel free to reach out to me here and leave crits or feed-back.
Image source: Link below |
Topics: Applied Physics, Commentary, Economy, Education, Einstein, Research
Who owns a scientist’s mind? Douglas O’Reagan, Physics Today
Patrons can now access Patron Only content on my website. There are also tons of free stories and other webserials for everyone. Please stop by and say hi!
Topics: Climate Change, Ecology, Existentialism, Global Warming, Octavia Butler
1. Rising sea levels could cost the world $14 trillion a year by 2100, Simon Davies, Physics World
2. Octavia Butler’s Prescient Vision of a Zealot Elected to “Make America Great Again", Abby Aguirre, New Yorker
MLA style: "The Nobel Prize in Physics 1918". Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 11 Jul 2018. < > |
Topics: Commentary, Diversity, Diversity in Science, Existentialism, Women in Science
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Born: 23 April 1858, Kiel, Schleswig (now Germany) Died: 4 October 1947, Göttingen, West Germany (now Germany) Affiliation at the time of the award: Berlin University, Berlin, Germany Prize motivation: "in recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta" Field: quantum mechanics Max Planck received his Nobel Prize one year later, in 1919. Prize share: 1/1
No place for bullies in science, Editorial, Nature
Related link:
Germany’s prestigious Max Planck Society investigates new allegations of abuse, Alison Abbott, Nature
Lockheed Martin’s concept, called Mars Base Camp, would need a way to replenish their fuel and air supplies. Lockheed Martin |
Topics: Astrophysics, Mars, NASA, Photosynthesis, Planetary Science, Space Exploration
Using Sunlight To Make Spaceship Fuel And Breathable Air, Erika K. Carlson, Astronomy Magazine
Bottoms up: physicists working on the ATLAS experiment have discovered the most common Higgs decay channel. (Courtesy: Maximilien Brice/CERN) |
Topics: Modern Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Quarks
Source and primer: Quarks on Hyperphysics
Higgs boson seen decaying to two bottom quarks, Hamish Johnston, Physics World
Hello, again. This time I am presenting a pair of gothic horror t shirt designs that I did
for a client.
Based on a comic book of the same name which I also did. (There is an updated version
that I am working on for my author page.) But for now let's just focus
on the presentation below.
I have seen the t shirts...they are good quality, you will not be disappointed.
Here's the link....
Plenty more shirts available at that link... go ahead and explore.
Topics: Chemistry, Optical Physics, Periodic Table
Electrons slowing down at critical moments, Jared Sagoff, Argonne National Laboratory
Source: 5.4 Areas of Tails of Distributions |
Topics: Commentary, Civics, Civil Rights, History, Human Rights, Politics
Topics: Astrophysics, Cosmology, Einstein, General Relativity
Einstein’s Greatest Theory Validated on a Galactic Scale, Maya Miller, Scientific American
Topics: Civil Rights, Frederick Douglass, History, Human Rights
1. Washington's Farewell Address 1796
Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law School, The Avalon Project
2. History is a Weapon: The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro, Frederick Douglass
Topics: Economy, Education, Jobs, STEM, Research
Scientific American links:
1. China's Scientific Revolution, Leonid Solovyev
2. How China Is Trying to Invent the Future as a Science Superpower, Richard P. Suttmeier
Topics: Biology, Materials Science, Optics, Research
Injectable mesh electronics opens up a new window into vision research Belle Dumé, Physics World
By SEYLA BENHABIB Photographs by ESPEN RASMUSSEN, The New Republic September 29, 2017 |
Topics: Commentary, Civics, Existentialism, Politics
Interstellar scout: artist’s impression of ‘’Oumuamua. (Courtesy: ESO/M Kornmesser) |
Topics: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Exploration
Interstellar object ‘Oumuamua is propelled by outgassing, say astronomers Hamish Johnston, Physics World
#P4TC links:
Oumuamua...November 30, 2017
Ready for S.E.T.I...February 20, 2018
Image Source: Huffington Post |
Topics: Civics, Existentialism, Human Rights, Politics
Do Trump Tweets Spur Hate Crimes? Daisy Grewal, Scientific American
Related link:
Supreme Court upholds travel ban, Ariane de Vogue and Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN