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Source: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/02/prweb12525243.htm

I was combing the web when I stumbled upon this article about an artist who was re-creating Superhero movie posters into African-American Superheroes. The talented digital artist is African-American and seems to have promise. The concept is great and the artwork is beautiful. I would like to see actual movies with these types of characters made. We need to be control of our imagine and represent ourselves in the media more.

Check out more graphics from this artist here: http://alijahvillian.com/portfolio/black-superheroes-reimagined-pt-2

What do you think about this artist's work?

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Dr. Estella Atekwana...

Image Source: Oklahoma State University Faculty Page [2] 

Topics: Biogeophysics, Geophysics, Research, Tectonics, Women in Science

Estella Atekwana, PhD
Oklahoma State University

Estella Atekwana grew up in Cameroon. “My parents very much wanted me to do medicine,” she writes. “So I got into sciences with that intention. However, I took a course in geology in high school and the teacher indicated that geology was not for girls. I was challenged then to demonstrate that girls could do geology and perform the same as boys or even better. I ended up with the science award that year in chemistry, biology, and geology.” She moved to North America to study the geosciences, earning a bachelor’s and master’s in geology from Howard University and a Ph.D. from Dalhousie University in Canada. “Today, they call me Doctor and that’s fine with my parents.”

She is now Sun Chair at Oklahoma State University, where she is a leader in the new field of biogeophysics. [1]

1. Science Update: Estella Atekwana, PhD
2. Oklahoma State University: Estella Atekwana Faculty Page

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From where does the future come?

Every day I live in my thoughts and compare them with the thoughts of others I see on TV and movies and Internet and people I live with and people I know and people I don't. Where does the future come from. Why do I crave for things not realized yet and set myself as a critic of all that pass before my desire. No, that is not the future, I say and yet again can not define what I mean by future.

It is not the next instance in time I crave. The next breath or next incident in time will come even if I am expired. Where is that higher mind and the associated objects. What good is vehicle powered by starlight if it is a conquest of ego, or a reward or status over one whose heart is true and drives an ox cart. Does shoes make the feet more blessed if the logo on them is backed by the multimedia campaign of a multimillion dollar conglomerate? The future is an equation of elevated souls and material things not at the expense of ones not so elevated. Perhaps we shall all arrive at some epiphany due to cosmic light called angels or god in the ancient vernacular. Super novas explode in the pre-dawn and visionaries tract the light across centuries. They write down what it might mean, the ideas come too fast, they encapsulate it in dreams, fairy tales, legends, myths, rhymes.

When the light reaches us all will be revealed, they say. In the mean time we build and destroy civilizations based on misinterpreted symbols, conjecture, power, greed, tradition. Teachers transcribe one myth with a literal history or bury truth by effacing. Souls die before bodies, walking dead trample the earth searching for brains to eat. Minds to eat. Like cattle for slaughter. Like humans lowered to the rank of animals.

There are no minds without brains, none. No brains that work without a consciousness inside effected by the push and pull of cosmic forces and microcosm forces. Nature is the villain, you hate and despise nature, call it names: tree, sky, dog, deer, imperfection of family trait. You never look inside of yourself. Don't go in there, there's demons and darkness, fear and God's awful lies. Yet under all the muck taught to us and we have heaped upon the corner, is a spark so feeble and weak from our own ignorance, lies the future. 

The spark in the corner is often passed on to the next generation unrealized by the present generation. We simply adore the covering mess we've accumulated or are consumed by fear from others. Don't go in there, have faith, it will come out on it's own, sweet by and by. A supernova has exploded in the corner of our universe. It was us being made conscious. It's light travels across the expanse desiring to be realized in our understanding and reality. Often by the time it reaches us, we are counting our breaths no longer caring wither or the next generation will get it.

Hey God I'm ready to do it again! What did you do with the last bang I gave you! Don't know, forget! You know if you nail it you'll retain it on the next go around, rumour has it. Oh, God has rumours now? I speak in parables, they tend not to change for eons. I hate repeating myself so I embed everything in patterns, rhythms, cycles, the variations are endless yet the modes are the same. I fashioned you to pick up on it, give you signs, intuition, reason. You will forget and come up with all kinds of funny stuff on your own, but I will leave the spark in side you. If you find it, I'll see you on the flip side. If not we'll do this again till you do. duh! Here's your spark, try not to bury it this time. Later G...........wah, wah, wah!   Damn, should have sent backup! Hey Star, when he comes to the age of reason send him light so he'll remember to look where I told him. Dang that sweet by and by, I wish I never said that!

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But a Whimper...

Image Source: Technology Review

Topics: Ebola, Biology, Mathematical Models, R0 ("r naught"), Research, STEM

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

The last, easily remembered and often quoted stanza of T.S. Elliot's poem "The Hollow Men." It bears reading (link provided) in light of current events.

A simple search on this site for Ebola will likely now bring up this article and others written during the faux panic. Due to the "medical expertise" of now infamous anti-vaccination activists (who have been previously mentioned), measles has made a resurgence, and if not shut down, at least exacerbated the profits of the Magic Kingdom.

Presented here is what will likely not make the local or national news with exception of braver souls that take their duty to inform (not entertain) the citizenry seriously over the altar sacrifice to the Moloch of Nielsen:

TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: On March 17, 2014, doctors diagnosed a single case of Ebola in the county of Lofa in Liberia, West Africa. This was the first, patient zero, in an epidemic that has so far infected more than 20,000 people and killed almost 8000.

On August 15, the World Health Organization and other bodies began a major drive in Liberia to halt the epidemic. The strategy has two parts. The first aims to limit the spread of the disease from people who have been infected by ensuring that everyone with symptoms goes to an official treatment center.

The second is to prevent the spread of the disease after death by ensuring that every Ebola victim is buried in a way that prevents further infection. That means wearing protective clothing to place the body in a body bag and then in a coffin before transporting it to a grave. Finally, the aid workers must disinfect the victim’s home and ensure appropriate washing for all those involved in the disposal of the body.

Together, these measures appear to have had a significant effect on the spread of the disease. But an important question remains: when will the epidemic end?

Today, we get an answer thanks to the work of Lucas Valdez from the National University of Mar del Plata in Argentina and a few pals. These guys have created a mathematical model of the way the disease spreads that predicts an end to the epidemic for the first time.


The Ebola virus is spreading throughout West Africa, causing thousands of deaths. When developing strategies to slow or halt the epidemic, mathematical models that reproduce the spread of this virus are essential for understanding which variables are relevant. We study the propagation of the Ebola virus through Liberia by using a model in which people travel from one county to another in order to quantify the effectiveness of different strategies. For the initial months in which the Ebola virus spreads, we find that the arrival times of the disease into the counties predicted by our model are in good agreement with World Health Organization data. We also find that reducing mobility delays the arrival of Ebola virus in each county by only a few weeks, and as a consequence, is insufficient to contain the epidemic. Finally we study the effect of a strategy focused on increasing safe burials and hospitalization under two scenarios: (i) one implemented in mid-July 2014 and (ii) one in mid-August, which was the actual time that strong interventions began in Liberia. We find that if scenario (i) had been pursued the lifetime of the epidemic would have been reduced by three months and the total number of infected individuals reduced by 80\%, when compared to scenario (ii). Our projection under scenario (ii) is that the spreading will cease by mid-spring 2015.

Physics arXiv: Predicting the extinction of Ebola spreading in Liberia due to mitigation strategies
L. D. Valdez, H. H. A. Rêgo, H. E. Stanley, L. A. Braunstein

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Speculative Futures #7...

Topics: Afrofuturism, Diaspora, Diversity, Diversity in Science, Speculative Fiction

Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture

In this hip, accessible primer to the music, literature, and art of Afrofuturism, author Ytasha Womack introduces readers to the burgeoning community of artists creating Afrofuturist works, the innovators from the past, and the wide range of subjects they explore. From the sci-fi literature of Samuel Delany, Octavia Butler, and N. K. Jemisin to the musical cosmos of Sun Ra, George Clinton, and the Black Eyed Peas’ will.i.am, to the visual and multimedia artists inspired by African Dogon myths and Egyptian deities, the book’s topics range from the “alien” experience of blacks in America to the “wake up” cry that peppers sci-fi literature, sermons, and activism. With a twofold aim to entertain and enlighten, Afrofuturists strive to break down racial, ethnic, and social limitations to empower and free individuals to be themselves.

More at: http://blacksciencefictionsociety.com/page/book-of-the-month
Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Afrofuturism-World-Sci-Fi-Fantasy-Culture/dp/1613747969

"The Day We Surrender to the Air" by Antonio Jose Guzman

An article that appears on io9.com by Jess Nevins, 9/27/12. I include a link below to a remarkable, mentioned and available book "Light Ahead for the Negro," by Edward A. Johnson

Africans, and those of African descent, have not been treated well by speculative fiction, both inside its texts and in real life. Anti-African racism is a fact of life in Western culture, and was even more pronounced before 1945. Not surprisingly, the number of works of speculative fiction written by black writers is low. But that number is not zero, and it's worth taking a look at the fantasy and science fiction stories that black writers produced before 1945.

Top image: "The Day We Surrender to the Air" by Antonio Jose Guzman

io9.com The Black Fantastic, Jess Nevins

Light Ahead for the Negro, Edward A. Johnson

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How Naps Do Your Brain (And Body) Good

Running seriously low on sleep? A nap can not only make you feel better, but can reverse the effects of poor sleep by restoring hormones and proteins involved in stress and immune health.

The fact that poor sleep can increase stress levels and suppress immune system activity is well-established. But according to a new small study, napping can be an effective antidote by creating measurable hormone changes.

Click here for the full story

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Dr. Patricia Bath...

Image Source: Link belo

Topics: Diaspora, Diversity, Diversity in Science, Inventor, Ophthalmology, Patents, Women in Science

Patricia Era Bath (born November 4, 1942, Harlem, Manhattan, NY) is an American ophthalmologist, inventor and academic. She has broken ground for women and African Americans in a number of areas. Prior to Bath, no woman had served on the staff of the Jules Stein Eye Institute, headed a post-graduate training program in ophthalmology, or been elected to the honorary staff of the UCLA Medical Center (an honor bestowed on her after her retirement). Before Bath, no black person had served as a resident in ophthalmology at New York University and no black woman had ever served on staff as a surgeon at the UCLA Medical Center. Bath is the first African-American woman doctor to receive a patent for a medical purpose. Her Laserphaco Probe is used to treat cataracts. The holder of four patents, she is also the founder of the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness in Washington, D.C.

Source: Dr. Patricia Bath, Wikipedia

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Hello All

I have submitted a proposal to Amazon Studios. It is a scripted episodic series called The Flying Bullet.

The link to the project is here at:  http://studios.amazon.com/projects/70413#.

On the project page, viewers can download a PDF pilot script and watch a 4 minute promo video.

I need to show the executives at Amazon Studios that their can be room for a black sci-fi series that everyone can enjoy.

Please view the material and leave a review. Let Amazon Studios see that we

can be a juggernaut in the entertainment business too.

Nothing can happen until we make it happen.


-Chris Love



In the wake of the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese on December 07 1941, the United States joined the war that will define a world. Back home, pressure mounts from the black community for black citizens to be able to fight for their country. One of the goals is for black citizens to be trained as pilots. From all over the country, black men travel to Tuskegee Institute to become the first black pilots called the Tuskegee Airman.

Here we meet CURT MASTERS from Alabama in his P-51 Mustang fighting Nazi planes over Germany and Italy. During one these confrontation, he encounters an unknown vessel. Curt believes it is a new Nazi vessel. When he attack the unknown flying object, a tractor beam envelopes him and suddenly he mysteriously disappears. 

Suddenly he awakens on the Planet Ambracon and is informed that he is being charged with Obstruction of Intergalactic 
Operations. Later, he learns that he has been found innocent of the crime, but he learns that Earth must be destroyed in fear
that Earth will bring its warlike tendencies to the stars. 

While he is being flown back to Earth, they fly into a asteroid field and their ship is damaged. He meets ALIENA, a galactic police officer and ARC, a robotic man. They make it to an abandoned old space station. They attempt to salvage parts to repair their
ship when they encounter SUTTER. Sutter is a career criminal who helps them to fix their ship. They make repairs and leave
when their ship runs out of power and they crash lands on an unknown world. 

They look for an element called zurillian which can power their ship and return Curt to Earth. While Curt wanders around the 
strange world, he encounters a large monument. Something activates the structure and he learns that the Warlord, which the 
Galactic Protector has been hunted was actually the First Galactic Protector called ROM VEGA. Curt learns that Rom Vega 
became a villain in order for the various worlds to work together and form a peace alliance by having common enemy. Soon
the planet begins to break apart. They manage to make the ship a "lightning rod" which can channel the energy from the 
exploding planet into their ship. 

They arrive in Earth's solar system and Curt is home.

Curt makes the decision to stay with the Galactic Protectors since his membership will spare Earth from destruction.

Thus Curt Masters aka The Flying Bullet becomes a Galactic Protector and here his troubles begins. 


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Reductio ad absurdum...

Topic: Existentialism

1 : disproof of a proposition by showing an absurdity to which it leads when carried to its logical conclusion
2 : the carrying of something to an absurd extreme Meridian-Webster


When a member of a gang wrecks havoc, if that gang member is African American or Hispanic, the entire community is expected to condemn the act. Part of it is a self-defensive posture so as to not allow the label to define the entire culture.

When a terrorist attack happens in the world, the entire Muslim community worldwide reflexively condemns the act in the strongest terms for the same reason.

Never mind no such reflexive posturing occurs when the sins of the inquisition or American slavery/Jim Crow/lynching is pointed out during a prayer breakfast, or the killing of Dr. George Tiller by Scott Roeder (his ex-wife accounts when he went over the edge in an interview); the bombings of abortion clinics and gay nightclubs by Eric Rudolph (another stable looking fellow). No, those were "bad actors"; aberrations; individuals, similar to the NRA legal dodge: "guns don't kill people, people kill people" (with acid, knives, screwdrivers, ice picks, bombs, hammers, wars...and sometimes guns). Lest we forget the still-existent (somewhat) Buddhist doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo.

Now, another "winner" from my home state: Craig Stephen Hicks has murdered in cold blood three Muslim students - two of which recently married to each other and the sister-in-law - students at UNC Chapel Hill, over a parking lot dispute. How does one dispute a parking space in a rental property (that the apartment manager already resolved as not his)? The caveat: he's admittedly an atheist. Perhaps he listened to Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Bill Mahr, or perhaps not. I doubt either man supports his actions. I covered on them last in my Other-ing post in October last year. There were shots fired in a free speech rally in Copenhagen, similar to the reasoning for the Paris massacre of admittedly controversial and purposely aggravating cartoonists.

I'm a proponent of free speech, but many of our number can't and don't do nuance; they can't read or hear it, disagree with it and go on with their lives since prior to their instant fame, it was probably insignificant in their minds. As I alluded to in Terms of Indifference, certain groups of humanity have a Utopian notion of perfection in their minds, and when your other fellow humans feel we've violated that perfection, like weeds in a garden, there is no compunction whatsoever apparently in mowing us down like grass (or, weeds). Many of them are unstable, unlucky and looking for meaning to their predicament. Any slight can be taken as personal; any cause can suddenly become a crusade. Adrenalin is within us all; it is intoxicating, "runner's high"; it is a euphoric rush that can lead down dark paths some would justify as "God's will" and others simply because of prejudice, xenophobia and the want of a parking space.

I know an Atheist married to a Catholic; I know a Christian married to a Muslim; a republican to a democrat. On small scales, we seem perfectly capable of this detente, it is when the weight of unemployment or under-employment, under-education, limited support and opportunities, it brews in a dark cauldron without incantation destined to cast its spell of destruction on us all.  I am reluctant I have to agree with the NRA artful legal dodge, and paraphrase:

Agnostics/Atheists don't kill people;
Buddhists don't kill people;
Christians don't kill people;
Muslims don't kill people;

BUT...certain groups within those subsets with mental health issues can and DO kill people in a myriad of ways. We will never achieve this Nirvana that only exists in their minds. It is intellectually lazy to expect anyone in any group to apologize for the aberrations of a diminutive, destructive fraction. We are suffering as a species en mass from mental disorders that erupt too often in the public sphere.

The prelude to war is usually words spoken or transmitted, offense taken and action. War is mental illness writ large. On a planetary scale, this could lead to a mass extinction event, sadly and likely, the sixth and the last. We are arrogant to think ourselves of value to any alien at this juncture in our history - they are perhaps keeping a safe parsecs distance from the insane asylum!
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Speculative Futures #6...

Topics: Indy Publishing, Speculative Fiction

God Cell: Gate of the Gods Paperback

by Arthur Bellfield, Ra'Chaun Rogers, Vince White, Tony Kittrell, Cloves Rodrigues, Rachel Rodrigues,and Eric Battle

God Cell: Gate of the Gods is a mini-series from the creative minds behind some of the hottest independent comics (The Legend of Will Power, Titan The Ultra Man, War's Chosen and Hierophants) chronicling an epic story that couldn't be told until now! Four visionaries (Vince White, RaChaun Rogers, Arthur Bellfield and Tony Kittrell) came together with this special tale to create an entertaining, well-crafted story that will fascinate ALL readers! The end result was the creation of GOD CELL: Gate of the Gods!

More at:

Amazon: God Cell: Gate of the Gods

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Interrupted Journey: Part 4

Dern’s eyes snapped open.
…we’ll make damn sure there are no witnesses.
Those words drifted into his awareness as the Flare surged throughout his body, mending wounds, stimulating muscles, clearing the fog from his head. Pain diminished, aggression heightened, and a burning rage that had nothing to do with the Flare roared through his rejuvenated body like a whirlwind.
He shut his eyes, feigning the dead.
Heightened hearing picked up footfalls moving his way
Someone moaned…a plea for mercy…an assault rifle’s deafening report…no more pleas. Footfalls resumed, getting closer.
The weight of Ura’s corpse was draped across his chest.
Dern kept his eyes closed, ‘observing’ the hijacker’s movement through hearing, smell, the ever-subtle caress of air displacement.
The footfalls stopped in front of him. Dern opened his eyes. Five Star stood over him, but the hijacker’s attention was elsewhere.
Dern threw off Ura’s body and hopped to his feet, lightning fast. He knocked Five Star’s rifle aside with one hand and gripped the hijacker’s neck with the other. Powerful fingers sunk into flesh. Dern snatched his arm back, tearing a bloody chunk out of Five Star’s throat. The hijacker emitted a death gurgle, blood pumping from his fatal wound like water from a busted pipe.
Dern grabbed the dead man’s RI4 and turned it on the next nearest hijacker. He triggered the weapon once, sending a round drilling through the man’s left eye. He fired twice more, taking down two additional foes. He swung the rifle around and ducked. A hijacker twenty yards on his opposite side had opened fire. Dern timed the reaction perfectly and unleashed two shots even as a stream of flachettes whisked inches above him. The hijacker flailed backwards with a pair holes in his heart. Two men behind him received headshots before they could raise their weapons.
Three hijackers were left standing at the far end of the corridor. They opened fire.
Dern dove forward, his weapon spitting rapid fury.
A hijacker was lifted off his feet as bullets cleaved diagonally across his torso.
The remaining hijackers turned tail, firing wildly behind them.
One did not make it far. Dern planted a round in the back of his neck, pulverizing the spine. The criminal dropped like a bag of rocks.
The last hijacker turned a corner at the corridor junction before Dern could target him. He considered giving chase, but thought better of it. He needed to get to the cargo section.
But first…
Dern checked Ura, Cyril and Theresa for life signs. He needn’t have bothered. Jagged holes riddled their bodies. He surveyed the corridor. Every passenger…dead. Teeth gritted, he massaged his head in anguish. All dead. He looked into Ura’s lifeless eyes. “I was too optimistic.” He reached down, applied a feather light touch to her eyelids and closed them.
He backed away, taking a final, sweeping glance at the carnage before him. The sight boiled away anything inside him that could have…would have remotely inclined him to mercy toward the rest of this vicious gang. He turned and headed for the nearest elevator with purpose branded into his soul.

Turbines revved to life as the sleeper ship’s propulsion transitioned from vacuum to an atmospheric environment. Routh’s ramshackle arrangement of squat non-descript buildings appeared like rusted ornaments on the view screen. With the close of distance, the settlement buildings took on more distinctness.
Tunnal beamed. Routh wasn’t pretty by any standard or stretch of the imagination, but it represented the conclusion to a very profitable venture. That alone made the place glow bright as a sun reflective gem in the hijacker’s avaricious perception.
“Come in, Tunnal!”
The hijack leader winced at the blaring transmission through his subdermal. He pressed the implant, his whispered response weighted with irritation. “What are you trying to do, blast my ear off? What is it?”
“This is Hugens, Boss. We have a situation!”
Hugens sounded breathless.
“What kind of situation?” Tunnal prodded, his irritation heating to anger.
“It’s…it’s one of the passengers…the one who was on the bridge…he somehow grabbed a weapon, shot us up to hell. Everybody’s down ‘cept me.”
It took every ounce of self-control for Tunnal to contain his reaction. He clenched a fist as red rage tinted his vision. “What about the passenger. Is he dead? Tell me one of you fuckups took him down!”
A heavy pause. Tunnal could almost hear Hugens rattling in his worthless boots. “Boss…we tried. He moved so fast. And the way he handled a weapon…it was as if we were facing a demon instead of a man!”
Tunnal breathed in deep, letting out a slow, calming breath. He dared not call up display footage of the stasis level for fear of panicking the crew. The ship needed to land first. This could still be contained. “Standby,” he ordered.
He called two other hijackers over, Josik and a bald, sinewy woman called Chain.
“One of the passengers laid our people out,” he told them in a low voice.
Chain and Josik’s eyes widened. They exchanged glances, but otherwise kept cool.
“Hook up with Hugens, comb this ship, find that loose end. If you can capture him alive do it. If not burn him and burn him good!”
The pair nodded resolutely and walked away.
He’ll get his due, Tunnal thought. The deaths of his comrades rankled him, dashed his pride. He’d built up quite a rep as a person to be feared. And those who worked for him were to be equally feared. Anyone who could so easily erase half his force threatened to seriously undercut that reputation. I hope you can be captured alive. I’ll make such an example of you, that you’ll beg me to cut your throat and be done with it!

Dern stepped off the elevator four levels below. He kept his acquired RI4 raised to firing position, though he was reasonably certain no hijackers would be lurking about in this area…yet. The cargo hold was vast, cavernous, easily the largest section in the ship. Passengers relocating to another world typically never traveled light. On this trip, Dern was an exception.
After a minute or two of moving through the section’s aisles, checking storage shelves, he spotted his possessions. A small duffel bag stuffed with clothing, mementos, and a few old fashioned books, and a larger two-wheeled metal container with an extendable handle. The container held an item essential for his employment on Ceres 3. It could not be replaced like the contents of his smaller bag.
He slid the container off a waist high shelf and set it on the deck. On the container’s side were a keypad and a display strip. Dern tapped a string of numerals on the pad and corresponding numbers flashed on the strip. A clicking sound emanated from the container followed by a low hiss. The container’s lid opened automatically. Dern reached inside and pulled out a garment that felt like an odd meld of rubber and velvet.
He unfurled the garment, laying it out on the deck and then stripped down to his shorts. Dern put on the garment and waited briefly as it conformed snuggly to every contour of his physique. The garment covered him from head-to-toe, leaving only the front of his face visible. Dern pressed a wrist tab and the garment instantly solidified to a metal hard density. Yet it was elastic enough to be of no hindrance to the wearer’s movements. Layers of interlocking plates unraveled across the armor. A smoke-gray visor slid over his face connecting to a throat guard. He breathed in a lungful of the suit’s artificial air and flexed his arms testing its articulation.
Twelve IV nodes located at various points on the suit from chest to thighs punctured his skin. A testosterone solution, referred to as the Flare flowed through the nodes into his bloodstream, boosting the amount of Flare already present in his body.
He hadn’t felt this strong, this powerful in so long. The feeling bordered on intoxicating. And that was where Dern had to temper himself. It was all too easy to succumb to the rapturous headiness generated by the Flare. It could produce overconfidence in one’s abilities and overconfidence led to recklessness, which inevitably led to ruin.
Dern intended to wield his vengeance with a steadiness and discipline forged by brutally intensive training. Very few human beings could successfully fend off the strain the Flare inflicted on their psyches. As Dern managed to clear his mind, he demonstrated why he was among that tiny number chosen to wear the suit.

Josik and Chain met Hugens at a section of the ship near the engine regulators. Hugens bore the shaken look of a man who’d seen too many ghosts. That had Josik concerned. He knew Hugens to be ruthless and fearless, not afraid to plunge into a fight. Unlike a whole lot of lowlifes who could be guaranteed to exhibit bravery only when their foes were unarmed, preferably bound and gagged.
Chain threw an openly contemptuous glance Hugen’s way.
Josik caught the look and hid a smile. He liked a woman with balls.
“He sent just you two?” Hugens said with a discouraged frown.
“Yeah, just us,” Josik replied impatiently. “Let’s not waste time. There’s one area of the ship where this passenger is likely to go, the cargo section. It’s a great place to hide. That’s where we’ll flush him out.”
“That’s quite some speculating,” Hugens remarked skeptically. “This guy could be anywhere.”
“Well wherever he is,” said Chain, holding up a black palm size cube. “He’ll get a dose of this.”
Hugens eyed the CX charge in the woman’s hand and smiled. “Now we’re talking.”
Josik brushed past the pair. “Let’s get to the cargo hold and end this.”

Dern linked into Interface mode, activating the suit’s sensory enhancements. Suddenly the dimly lit cargo section appeared bright and vivid, as if someone had wiped a coating of grime from his face plate. He reached into the suit container and pulled out a gold colored metal bracelet. He wrapped the bracelet around his right wrist, clicking latches in place to secure it and then flexed his forearm. The bracelet sent a tingle of vibration racing through Dern’s arm up to his shoulder. He gave a tiny nod of satisfaction.
Hostile Interdiction Emitter. Ready. Dern had never ruled out having to use the weapon at some point in his new career. Ceres 3 was a largely crime free colony (emphasis on largely). He just never imagined having to deploy it so soon, before he even reached the planet. Now the question remained: would he ever get there?
Low beeping interrupted his musing. He had company. Dern snapped shut his container and darted swiftly down the aisle. A sensor display over his left eye revealed three sources of body heat moving into the cargo section.

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Revealing the Nature...

Five starlike images appear when light from a single quasar passes through a gravitational lens. Image credit: Hubble Telescope/NASA

Topics: Astrophysics, Cosmology, Dark Energy, Dark Matter

For the first 150 million years after the Big Bang, there were no galaxies or stars or planets. The universe was featureless.

As time passed, the first stars formed. Stars collected into galaxies. Galaxies began to cluster together. Those clusters are made up of the galaxies and all the material between the galaxies. Clumps of matter smashed into each other, and the planets in our solar system began to form around the sun.

Something must hold our solar system, galaxies and clusters of galaxies together. And gravity is that "glue."

In some clusters, the space between galaxies is filled with gas so hot, scientists cannot see it using visible light telescopes. The gas only can be seen as X-rays or gamma rays. Scientists look at that gas and measure how much there is between galaxies in clusters. By doing this, they discovered that there must be five times more material in the clusters than we can detect. The invisible matter that we can't detect is called "dark matter."

The Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky first used the term "dark matter" in the 1930s. He studied the so-called Coma galaxy cluster and, specifically, how fast it revolves. Clusters are like merry-go-rounds: Their speed of revolution depends on the weight and position of the objects in the clusters, like the weight of the objects and their positions on a merry-go-round. The speed he measured implied the cluster had much more mass than the observable light suggested. *

* NASA: What Is Dark Matter?

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Speculative Futures #5...

Topics: Afrofuturism, Space Travel, Speculative Fiction

Future Shock Vol.1 Issue 1
By Chandar Wilson

An epic tale spanning millennia. From biblical times, and even earlier, to the future labs and boardrooms of seemingly all-powerful corporations where superhumans are manufactured for a price, Future Shock chronicles the evolution of humanity; biologically, socially, and politically. In this high-tech world most people have lost what it truly means to be human; sending much of humanity into a dark spiral. Can one man not born of this Earth turn the tide?

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NOAA's DSCOVR satellite launches from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on Feb. 11, 2015. DSCOVR will provide NOAA space weather forecasters more reliable measurements of solar wind conditions, improving their ability to monitor potentially harmful solar activity.
Image Credit: NASA

Topics: Climate Change, Department of Defense, Global Warming, NASA, NOAA

A new mission to monitor solar activity is now making its way to an orbit one million miles from Earth. The Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket at 6:03 p.m. EST Wednesday from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

DSCOVR, a partnership among the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NASA and the U.S. Air Force, will provide NOAA space weather forecasters more reliable measurements of solar wind conditions, improving their ability to monitor potentially harmful solar activity.

NASA received funding from NOAA to refurbish the DSCOVR spacecraft and its solar wind instruments for this mission. The work was completed at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD, where a team developed the command and control portion of the spacecraft’s ground segment, and manages the launch and activation of the satellite.

Following successful activation of the satellite and check-out approximately 150 days after launch, NASA will hand over operations of DSCOVR to NOAA.

NASA: NOAA’s New Deep Space Solar Monitoring Satellite Launched

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Dr. Aprille Ericsson...

Topics: Diversity, Engineering, HBCU, NASA, STEM, Women in Science

Aerospace Engineer

Aprille Ericsson was the first female (and the first African-American female) to receive a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Howard University and the first African-American female to receive a Ph.D. in Engineering at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. She was born and raised in the Bedford Styvesant neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, and earned her bachelor’s in aeronautical/astronautical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

As a NASA engineer, Ericsson has worked on many projects, including the Microwave Anisotropy Probe, the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission, the James Webb Space Telescope, and in the Integrated Mission Design Center. Currently she is the instrument manager for a proposed mission to bring dust from the Martian lower atmosphere back to Earth.

Ericsson has won many awards, including the 1997 “Women in Science and Engineering” award for the best female engineer in the federal government, and has been profiled by NBC Nightly News, Essence Magazine, and other media outlets. She is a member of the NASA GSFC Speakers Bureau and the Women of NASA Group. Ericsson also teaches at Howard University at the collegiate and middle school level and is a member of their Board of Trustees.

Info and Image Source: ScienceUpdate.com

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Space Plane...

Credit: ESA/J. Huart, 2011

Topics: European Space Agency, Space Exploration, Spaceflight

The European Space Agency (ESA) plans to launch an experimental space plane this Wednesday to test out technologies needed for vehicles to survive the return to Earth from space.

The unmanned space plane, called the Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle (IXV), is slated to blast off Wednesday (Feb. 11) at 8 a.m. EST (1300 GMT) from French Guiana. Its suborbital flight will last 100 minutes.

Space.com: Europe's Experimental Mini-Space Shuttle to Launch Wednesday, by Elizabeth Howell, Space.com contributor

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Speculative Futures #4...

Topics: Diaspora, Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction


By Seta Aset

Out of the ashes of time, it was said in the universe a very long time ago by the Olmecs that a young Nubian woman would be born when the clock struck midnight on Friday, 12-21-12. While growing up as a child, she was knowledgeable many, many years before her time and there werethings she could do that frightened her parents and everyone else who were close to her, for they didn’t understand at the time why she had the gifts. The older she became, the more knowledge and power grew stronger in her. After turning eighteen, she joined the Air Force and was stationed in Minot, North Dakota so she could be nearer to her beloved mysterious crafts.

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Amazon: Kemestry-Bright Light, Seta Aset

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