OK, been scanning the web, movies, magazines, photos for many years. My realization is black peoples are in the future as an after thought. Oh yeah, they are here too. The mind game is that the non-hue folks have put forth an apocalyptic future with pseudo-anarchy ruling and crumbling decaying architecture, damn, everybody's a squatter, a hostage, a victim or a thug lord. We survive because nothing has changed for us.
We are individual minds disconnected from our past, disassociated by the present and the future is written by others, we be the side bar. SO! I purpose a campaign to re-envision our hue folks into the future on our own terms. It will be awkward at first as we have mentally morphed into imaginary beings. We need to project the same into the physical plane, make it real. Real hardware on this plane.
I have embraced architecture since I was in high school. The professional path has alluded me, I can't say the same for ideas. Today there is the "Tiny House Movement" which I admire but, I can't see a build it yourself mobile cabin as much different from a commercial RV trailer. Many of us either live in smallish apartments, older homes and if we have a pinky grip on the American dream, an urban or suburban spread. Go with what you got but imagine the future so that our enviable future generation can step into it progressed. We today are the past of our future.
What are we going to wear, eat, drive, live in? How are we going to act, interact? Our individual self has never been a problem, will we have a "racial" tag?, should we still fight for a racial tag (mostly a legal distraction) to have group rights individuals already have? That's a can of worms (or vipers).
A picture is worth a thousand words. I've seen 3rd world hue folks building homes they designed. I can see 1st world hue folks doing the same or converting a present dwelling into..............ooh, some values need to change, don't they? What about resale value (banks talk funny, you don't really "own" it)? This is why pictures are used to change the perception of minds and values over time. Still pictures, moving pictures, when you turn away from the screens, what does your world really look like? What fills the space you occupy? What supports the values you espouse? Example, all the music I have hoarded on vinyl, I can keep on a jump drive. If for some reason I must keep the vinyl and it's technology and it's space, so be it, if not I can redeem the space it takes up. The same for videos, my brother collected enough tapes to replace a sofa. We lived in a small house. Today a video storage PC and a flat screen can be built-in to the wall taking up no floor space.
I ask the question, what will the future look like? Do we have to embrace what others have envisioned for us? NO!!! But we do need to project from our own psyche what we imagine our future to be. If but to augment or divert the imagination of the dominate culture, we need to speak out and picture out. Don't get my drift, in my growing days the Jetsons came on TV, I wanted that future. What if the Jetsons were hue folk like me? Basically I'm talking about material future, home and garden, the back drop against which the super hero story is overlaid.
Well that my beef (taste like chicken).