Topics: Computer Science, Graphene, Materials Science, Nanotechnology
The flat and the curious, Joan Koka, Argonne National Laboratories
Topics: Computer Science, Graphene, Materials Science, Nanotechnology
The flat and the curious, Joan Koka, Argonne National Laboratories
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Schematic of the sandwich tunnelling electrode structure functionalized with RGD peptide, with a human integrin &alphaVβ3 protein in the junction gap. Courtesy of Nano Futures. |
Topics: Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Nanotechnology
Unexplained huge protein conductances hint at evolution, Anna Demming,
Topics: History, Modern Physics, Particle Physics
Muons reveal hidden void in Egyptian pyramid, Hamish Johnston, Physics World
Chinese translations for significant, meaning, connotation, denotation, import, gist, substance, significance, signification, implication, suggestion, consequence, worth, nuance, association, subtext, sense. Image Source: |
Topics: Commentary, Internet, Politics
Related links:
Tech Executives Are Contrite About Election Meddling, but Make Few Promises on Capitol Hill, Cecilia Kang, Nicholas Fandos and Mike Isaac, NY Times How Russian-Backed Agitation Online Spilled Into The Real World In 2016, Miles Parks, NPR Fiery exchanges on Capitol Hill as lawmakers scold Facebook, Google and Twitter, Craig Timberg, Hamza Shaban, Elizabeth Dwoskin, Washington Post
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Artist’s rendition of colliding neutron stars creating gravitational waves and a kilonova. Image: Fermilab |
Topics: Astrophysics, Black Holes, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Nobel Prize, White Dwarfs
Scientists spot explosive counterpart of LIGO/Virgo’s latest gravitational waves Andre Salles, Fermilab Office of Communication,, 630-840-6733
Topics: Brownian Motion, Chemistry, Nanotechnology, NEMS
Chemical fuel pulses power rotary and linear nanomotors, Belle Dumé,
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The Marius Hills Skylight, as observed by the Japanese SELENE/Kaguya research team. (Image: NASA/Goddard/Arizona State University) |
Topics: Moon, NASA, Planetary Science, Science Fiction, Space Exploration
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Philadelphia is shown inside a theoretical lunar lava tube. (Image: Purdue University/David Blair) |
Scientists Just Found the Perfect Spot to Build an Underground Colony on the Moon George Dvorsky, Gizmodo
Woke up to a brisk 31 degrees in Nashville today. I had forgotten what winter felt like for the last 5 years in Florida now is the wake up call. Wake up call is a good phrase to use in this case. Ask yourself what was your wake up call? How did it occur and better yet what have you done about it? I realized today that i have actually been a member of this site since 2012 and I still believe it was a great idea to join this site. I haven't really been on here and I can legitimately come up with more excuses than Martha Stewart has recipes on why i haven't done anything yet but hey now that's out of the way i can get down to business again. I will be back to punishing this keyboard with work and post on here from now on. I have 7 books to write and number one needs to be finished by March 2018. Hey I have a question and feel free to answer or give your opinion i look forward to hearing them. See i have this plan and as of now it is going into motion what would it take to get you as an artist, animator, publisher, Writer and creator of worlds to actually work as one? Because i don't know about you but i am out to change the world and wreck certain people's nasty agendas and thoughts on who we are and what we should be portrayed as. I am done with the talk now its time to put in the work and show the world at large just how talented we are and most of all show them how to we are leaders as well. So here we go and strike up the band i am now declaring all out war on PROCRASTINATION ON THIS SITE and not doing what we dream of doing and have been dreaming of forever. We all have goals and dreams but the one thing we are missing is action. Me included oh no I am in no means excluded from this as a matter of fact I include myself on this so there it is. OK now.....Your Move!
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Image Source: Link below |
Topics: Civil Rights, Human Rights, Science, Research
AAAS Adopts Statement Binding Scientific Freedom with Responsibility Anne Q. Hoy, AAAS
I have read some intelligent, insightful, and meaningful posts up here. This is not one of those. This is just some shameless self promotion I hope you can enjoy.
First off, I recently licensed the IP for Legends Parallel, Pestilent, and Bob: Sins of the Son to Nerdanatix. They will be developing video games, printing and distributing the comics, and looking into other venues for exploitation, including spin off properties.
This video is a primer designed to give game designers an idea of what they're getting into with Legends Parallel before they slog through the comics and scripts. It is WILDLY NSFW, but it's an accurate preview. It is also a lot of fun to listen to so crank it up and watch it on a big screen.
Legends Parallel Nerdanatix Promo from Bill McCormick on Vimeo.
Next up on my video jukebox today is a brief teaser for my trilogy, The Brittle Riders, which just dropped en toto via Azoth Khem. The basic idea is that the series starts with the death of every man, woman, and child on the planet and then gets kind of dark.
The Brittle Riders Teaser from Bill McCormick on Vimeo.
Lastly, but far from leastly (my post, my imaginary words), I give you Alokia The Kaiju Hunter. This is the only project I have coming out that is purely directed at teens. The crew hails from Japan, Serbia, and Chicago. I'm the Chicago part. This is early in development, we just finished the character designs so they match my script, but we're shooting for summer of 2018 to start regular issues.
It has a drunken gorilla king, so you know kids will love it.
Alokia The Kaiju Hunter Teaser I from Bill McCormick on Vimeo.
And that concludes my interruption of your day. I hope to see everyone at the Motor City Black Age of Comics Convention on November 18th.
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Image Source: TV Tropes: The All-Devouring Pop Culture Wiki |
Topics: Climate Change, Existentialism, Global Warming
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.
This is the dead land
This is cactus land
Here the stone images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a dead man's hand
Under the twinkle of a fading star.
Is it like this In death's other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.
(Elliot's last, most quoted stanza)
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
Scott Pruitt’s Cynical Move to Rescind the Clean Power Plan Ken Kimmell, Union of Concerned Scientist, President, Oct 9, 2017, 12:47 PM EDT
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An electron microscope image of a quantum simulator made from a 1D array of Josephson junctions (light dots). (Courtesy: Philip Krantz, Krantz NanoArt, adapted by APS / Alan Stonebraker) |
Topics: Modern Physics, Nanotechnology, Quantum Mechanics, Superconductors
Atoms and Josephson junctions simulate 1D quantum liquid, Hamish Johnston, Physics World
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Image Source: Foundations of Government, Slide Player, Slide 5 |
Topics: Commentary, Existentialism, History, Politics
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Ventrella Quest Cartoon - Free Speech |
Related links:
Facebook’s General Counsel to Testify to Congress in Russia Probe, Jonathan Allen, NBC News
Twitter, With Accounts Linked to Russia, to Face Congress Over Role in Election, Daisuke Wakabayashi and Scott Shane, NY Times
We, Oligarchy...#P4TC, August 2, 2015
The peaceful occupation of Earth by the benevolent Calaar opened avenues of opportunity for Justine Mingana and hundreds of millions of other humans trapped in poverty. Mingana achieved what she never thought possible as a child: she became a starship captain. Another alien race arrived in Earth's skies, this one hostile and aggressive, offering a brutal contrast to Calaar altruism. Now, Mingana must make a show of loyalty to a new set of occupiers while pursuing a hidden agenda, one that may lead to the demise of her ship and crew. For the sake of Earth's liberation from the clutches of tyrants, Alien and human alike, Mingana is prepared to make that sacrifice...and she is just as prepared to kill.
OK, my latest thinking. The quonset has dormers on each side which is connected to stacked shipping containers. The sea-cons can be porches or room expansion. The quonset ends are flat so you can attach dome-like extensions. I used an octagonal shaped dome in keeping with standard 90 degree building technology. And yes, you don't have to use shipping containers, but they are ready-made steel frames. And you could just as well dock your tiny house on the side of the quonset.
Someone asked me what kind of people would live in my dwellings. I am a bungalow person, smallish but bigger than a tiny house. How to live in a smallish house is living in your mind instead of living by your body. The body requires space and stuff, both of which can be costly. But you can do whatever you imagine, so make choices. Yoda could live with the Hulk (they both are green and powerful) but the Hulk (a big guy) changes into human (a tech stuff buff) who requires lots of space and Yoda ("mind" you) requires less space. If you figured it out, I'm am hooked on what can be built from available stuff today because even if you become super-human, housing design moves like a glacier. I'm just breaking the ice (for tea). You must enlist your powers and "built to suit."