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Tell me this ain't scifi enough.

I can't remember the first time I got turned on to Grace Jones, but I do remember that it wasn't the music that got me, although the music was cool. But, my God, the way she looked...

I've always dug the extreme, even if I was never quite able to pattern myself after so many of my heroes. Any number of reasons for that which I'm not gonna bother with here, but I can say without a doubt that I have always admired those who simply did not give a damn and stepped out of whoever they were once upon a time into a brand new self-created existence as a brand new self-created individual. When Grace was young, according to her bio on Wikipedia, she was a very shy Jamaican kid who was good at sports. But somewhere between then and now she became a dark fantasy vision of science fiction. From Clash, 10 Things You Never Knew About Grace Jones:

3.This rebelliousness included her constant love of nightclubbing in New York, as well as going out road-tripping and taking acid with Hell’s Angels. She wore afros before they came into fashion and she was exposing herself in clubs way before nude establishments were officially commissioned.

6.She is a character well-known for her controversial moments - as well as her television appearance on the Russell Harty show she is renowned for, she has a lifetime ban from Walt Disney World in Florida due to indecently exposing her breasts on a live set whilst she was performing.

8.A time she recalls (unfazed) was living in Paris with fellow models Jerry Hall and Jessica Lange in the late-’70s. They once attended a party full of French politicians, Jones turned up with just a string of bones around her neck and nothing else. Another typical Grace Jones stunt that’s sure to go down in French history.

Grace Jones is a walking, talking, breathing piece of modernist art. And me  imagining what does it take to come to the realization that, if I only follow my imagination and my art I can evolve into this instead of that. There are all sorts of butterflies, some of them by choice.

Originally published on

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"You can be a Black man and lose all your soul, you can be white and do but don't prep the role..."Q-Tip in "Award Tour" from the "Beats, Rhymes and Life" LP(1996)
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Magnetic Portals Connect the Earth to the Sun


Did you know that there are portals that open and connect our planet to its Star?

A magnetic portal opens and links the Earth to the sun across 150 million kilometers. 

Tons of high-energy particles are transmitted between the two bodies before the portal closes.

This phenomenon is known as flux transfer event, or FTE.

Mysteriously, this phenomenon is repeated several times throughout a day, approximately every eight minutes. some scientists speculated that the Earth and the Sun were connected in some way.

Our planet’s magnetosphere, that is the magnetic bubble that surrounds the Earth, is full of particles from the sun that reach our planet through bursts of solar winds, these particles eventually penetrate the defenses of the magnetic field of our planet. 

Today researchers know that these particles are able to penetrate as they travel through magnetic fields that directly link the ground floor with the sun’s atmosphere.

Interestingly, according to various experts in the field, the phenomenon can be explained like this: on the side of our planet where it is day, which is the area that is the nearest to the sun, the Magnetic field of our planet is actually “pressed” against the sun’s magnetic field. 

The interesting part is....Continue..

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The following are the fifteen most familiar chat styles observed across the Internet, and here at BSFS presented alphabetically (research assistance courtesy of James Jones).

1. "Entitlement Chat" - when someone drops into chat, interrupts everyone else with a question or link, then when no one pays immediate attention, they slink off pissed off.

2. "Grasp Of The Obvious Chat" - when someone drops into chat in the middle of a conversation and insists on everyone stopping everything and bringing them up to speed instead of just reading the previous entries.

3. “Just Can’t Tell A Joke Chat” - when one is convinced that their sense of humor is so universal and so clever that they constantly post their sad lines and jokes, convinced of their superiority

4. “Me! Me! Look At Me Chat” – when someone drops by and announces in the middle of the conversation some current project or posts a link to their work and makes small talk only about said project and then leaves

5. “Misogynist Chat” - when a man greets every woman in chat with some off-color, sexist joke, or inappropriate line and is truly oblivious to the fact that he’s an ass.

6. “My Taste Is All That Matters Chat” - when someone mentions something they like in chat, then someone else MUST state why they don’t like it as if they are the final arbiter of all things.

7. “One Up Chat” - after the posting of an audio or video link in chat they MUST post one of their own to prove their superiority in musicianship or relevance

8. “Pay Me Chat” (Sometimes Called "Brother Can You Spare A Dime Chat")- when someone drops by only to promote their fund raising campaign and begs everyone else in chat for money

9. “Phantom Chat” - when someone leaves the site up in their browser at home while they leave the state on a cross country road trip, making people believe they’re there, but are just being rude

10. “Pontificate Chat” – when someone tosses out a question as if to educate the group as a whole like they’re the only one in the universe who ever had that thought

11. "Special Needs Chat" - when someone has a woefully pitiful life, but insists on presenting every single uninteresting detail of what they’re doing in real-time as if they’re the most significant events in the world.

12. “Spoiler Chat” - when someone who just saw something that most in chat have not, they insist on telling spoilers without regard for those who wanted to see whatever it was for them self

13. “Technology Challenged Chat” - when someone has a technical problem in chat, and makes everyone else solve the problem for them before they let the conversation resume.

14. “Time Warp Chat” - when someone starts a conversation, and then lets ten minutes or more (sometimes even hours) lapse between their responses back to everyone else

15. “Your Welcome Chat” - when an adult is so grammatically challenged they don’t know the difference between the possessive and the contraction of similar-sounding words

You know who you are!

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      There is a time in our lives where we have to step up to the plate. I would like to like to share my story of how I transition from Window Movie Maker to Sony Vegas Pro. For our Window Movie Maker fans; I have used this software for slideshows and short videos.I loved the simplicity and how I was able to render it fast.  My mentality was it is enough to get by.

      When I moved from Greenville to Jonesboro and went to Arkansas State for a year. My first year of graduate school majoring in Mass Communication: Radio and Television was challenging. When I  was in computer lab working in IMovie on a show. I was challenged by group of students asking me, " Why are you using IMovie?" A professor came and challenged me to use Final Cut Pro. My thought process was I want to do enough to get by.

         When I was approach to do Kollege Kids; I became the visual/animation coordinator being in charge of the visuals. When it came to the editing; I thought I could use Window Movie Maker to get by. However Window Movie Maker cannot handle and render lengthy HD video. It constantly crashed and I knew I had to get an editing software to handle this demand. Learning Sony Vegas was imtimidating to me at first. I played around with it but to actually learn it was scary.

            Over time I became comfortable with learning to use it. Transitioning from a basic to an industry standard software can be imtimidating if you let it. A thirty to hour tutorial will break it down for you. The major thing I learned was you can't fake being a professional.  If you can do something the common man knows how to do.  You have no special value. If you want to be distinguished I recommend you using Final Cut and Sony Vegas or something similar to that.  Window Movie Makers and IMovies are for babies. Step up to the plate and don't let these programs imtimidate you.


Here is an example how Sony Vegas Pro and Window Movie Maker helped me with Kollege Kids. Check in the comment section for the link.


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Near Absolute Zero...

MIT researchers have successfully cooled a gas of sodium potassium (NaK) molecules to a temperature of 500 nanokelvin. In this artist's illustration, the NaK molecule is represented with frozen spheres of ice merged together: the smaller sphere on the left represents a sodium atom, and the larger sphere on the right is a potassium atom.

Illustration: Jose-Luis Olivares/MIT

Topics: Materials Science, Modern Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Superconductivity

The air around us is a chaotic superhighway of molecules whizzing through space and constantly colliding with each other at speeds of hundreds of miles per hour. Such erratic molecular behavior is normal at ambient temperatures.

But scientists have long suspected that if temperatures were to plunge to near absolute zero, molecules would come to a screeching halt, ceasing their individual chaotic motion and behaving as one collective body. This more orderly molecular behavior would begin to form very strange, exotic states of matter — states that have never been observed in the physical world.

Now experimental physicists at MIT have successfully cooled molecules in a gas of sodium potassium (NaK) to a temperature of 500 nanokelvins — just a hair above absolute zero, and over a million times colder than interstellar space. The researchers found that the ultracold molecules were relatively long-lived and stable, resisting reactive collisions with other molecules. The molecules also exhibited very strong dipole moments — strong imbalances in electric charge within molecules that mediate magnet-like forces between molecules over large distances.

MIT News: MIT team creates ultracold molecules, Jennifer Chu

Note: OOTO for a week or so. Happy Father's Day next week! Back on the 23rd.
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MOOC and Sesame Street...

Image source: link below

Topics: Economy, Education, Humor, Jobs, Science, STEM

Admittedly, my first education wasn't Sesame Street, it was "Green Eggs and Ham," which got me in considerable trouble when I admitted the "Dick and Jane" reading stories in the first grade were "dumb." (Well...they were.) Despite that fact, half of my first day in the first grade was spent in the principal's office.

I was six going on seven when my parents parked me in front of the television. I was hooked with the life-sized animated characters that would become known as "Muppets." Along with Schoolhouse Rock and the original charter of The Learning Channel, we enjoyed passive learning, a democratized, continuous education that transcends neighborhoods, demographics and social barriers. With a foundation of reading and simple numbers, the strength of Sesame Street was both making education fun and instilling a sense of wonder, the foundation of scientific exploration. For competitiveness in global economies and the narrowing of the wealth gap, we need more of this (and LESS "reality TV").

For 46 years now, "Sesame Street" has created television programming aimed at preparing young children for school both academically and socially.

According to a new study, it worked.

Children who lived in areas where "Sesame Street" was easy to view when it premiered were less likely to have been held back in school by 9th grade than children who lived in areas where reception was spotty or non-existent. Boys, black children, and children living in economically disadvantaged areas saw particularly strong effects.

How this carried over into educational attainment and the job market is unclear, according to the researchers. But, "for a television show that kids watch for an hour a day to have an impact that persists for 10 years or so, that's remarkable," said Phillip B. Levine, a professor of economics at Wellesley College in Wellesley, Mass. He co-authored the paper with Melissa S. Kearney, a professor of economics at the University of Maryland in College Park. (Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets, was a Maryland graduate.)

The researchers consider "Sesame Street" to be the first "massive open online course," an education course made available for free to a large group of people. Of course, in the early days of "Sesame Street," people were not receiving the program over the Internet. But the basic tenet of transmitting educational material outside of the traditional classroom remains is the same, the researchers said. Early Childhood Education by MOOC: Lessons from Sesame Street was published Monday by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Education Week:

'Sesame Street' Boosted School Readiness for Young Children, Study Says,
Christina Samuels

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         What is Character Profiles? Character Profiles are descriptive details used to describe your character such physical characteristics; family background and history; Likes and Dislikes; Goals and Motivation. The question ask by a beginning writer is " Why The Details?

        Why do I have to go through such great lengths to describe this character? A paragraph or two will just do it. I can type it in Microsoft Word and get it over with. That is what I thought until I came upon the software Celtx.

            The Celtx version of doing character profiles is a challenge for beginning writers.   This software demands details  about your character that Microsoft Word does not.  Celtx break your character into different categories so they can appear more three dimensional. Check out this article on 2D vs 3D characters.

          The thing I had trouble with is my Kollege Kids characters were two dimensional if you read the article. The Celtx version  of doing character profiles has challenged me to make these characters more three dimensional. It is time consuming and  you will have several writer block when doing character profiles in Celtx. However it is worth it.  Your character has depth to them and is more believable to your intended audience.  Invest time in your character profiles so you can know what type of story to tell with the characters you created. That is the reason why you need the details.

Be on the lookout for Part 2 of Character Profiles; Why the Details?

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Event Horizon Telescope...

The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope sits atop the plateau of Chajnantor in the Chilean Andes, more than 5,100 metres high. To the left of APEX is the central region of the Milky Way, where the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* lurks. Image credit: ESO/Babak Tafreshi (

Topics: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Atomic Clock, Black Holes, Einstein, Radio Telescope, Research

Astronomers building an Earth-size virtual telescope capable of photographing the event horizon of the black hole at the centre of our Milky Way have extended their instrument to the bottom of the Earth — the South Pole — thanks to recent efforts by a team of astronomers with participation of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) in Bonn, Germany.

Last December, an international team of astronomers flew to the Southern Hemisphere: German, Chilean and Korean scientists led by Alan Roy of the MPIfR, traveled to Atacama, Chile, and American scientists led by Dan Marrone of the University of Arizona flew to the South Pole to arrange the telescopes into the largest virtual telescope ever built — the Event Horizon Telescope, or EHT. By combining telescopes across the Earth, the EHT will take the first detailed pictures of black holes.

“The goals of the EHT are to test Einstein’s theory of general relativity, understand how black holes eat and generate relativistic outflows, and to prove the existence of the event horizon, or ‘edge,’ of a black hole,” says Dan Marrone.

Astronomy Now: Planet-sized telescope gives a sharp view into black holes
Research site: Event Horizon Telescope

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Human Computation...

Image Source; Tecnology Review

Topics: Collaboration, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Humor, Internet, Research

The romance is the singular genius making some great breakthrough from shear effort and endowment with god-like intelligence that the rest of us mere mortals cannot possibly possess. In academia and industry, there's a lot of collaboration; cross-functional teams; cross-training, etc. Even the most monumental breakthrough that's affecting your life and mine right now - the transistor - was a collaborative effort that earned the Nobel Prize. Humans do a lot of collaboration; it's in our natures and we tend to do it with like-minded people (hence, Internet and other social networks). Sir Isaac Newton - the founder of physics - stated: "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants," in a letter to Robert Hooke (Hooke's Law), though it was a metaphor originally attributed to John of Salisbury, meaning benifitting and building on the work of others before you. (Wikipedia)

There is a romanticism I think that originates with the oft-told story of the original "Eureka moment" (a dubious claim, probably more tall-tale than fact), along with Newton's apple and Einstein being, well...Einstein. So much so, my youngest son text messaged his older brother and me a picture of the latest album cover by the rapper Gucci Mane, seen here, knowing full well I'd laugh as he did: "I guess Gucci Mane is calling himself the Einstein of"

As I said, I laughed - literally "out loud"! I just sincerely hope Mr. Mane's lawyers have properly contacted the estate of Professor Einstein and likely Princeton University for the image rights...when you're making money WITH it, that's kinda important!

TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: The wisdom of the crowd has become so powerful and so accessible via the Internet that it has become a resource in its own right. Various services now tap into this rich supply of human cognition, such as Wikipedia, Duolingo, and Amazon’s Mechanical Turk.

So important is this resource that scientists have given it a name; they call it human computation. And a rapidly emerging and increasingly important question is how best to exploit it.

Today, we get an answer of sorts thanks to a group of computer scientists, crowdsourcing pioneers, and visionaries who have created a roadmap for research into human computation. The team, led by Pietro Michelucci at the Human Computation Institute, point out that human computation systems have been hugely successful at tackling complex problems from identifying spiral galaxies to organizing disaster relief.

But their potential is even greater still, provided that human cognition can be efficiently harnessed on a global scale. Last year, they met to discuss these issues and have now published the results of their debate.

Physics arXiv: A U.S. Research Roadmap for Human Computation
Pietro Michelucci, Lea Shanley, Janis Dickinson, Haym Hirsh

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Computational Imagination...

Image Source: Technology Review

Topics: Computer Science, Image Processing, Politics, STEM

This article grabbed me with excitement and I'll admit, kind of disturbed me as well. The very busy image above in the paper is Figure 13 for reference. I scanned the article for things like "AI"; "Artificial Intelligence" and found nothing, but 48 and 49 in the paper itself does reference two other papers in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, for the true believers in Skynet (it's a nerd joke - really!). However, this could be a milestone in image processing, and with the ubiquitous usage of cell phone videos as witness to malfeasance - police or criminal - this could be very important. The technology for facial recognition could be impacted by this advance, then I got concerned again since civil liberties were up for debate with the recent expiration of the Patriot Act and its replacement by the Freedom Act. With technology we walk a tightrope, thinning inexorably to dental floss.

TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Imagine an oak tree in a field of wheat, silhouetted against a cloudless blue sky on a dreamy sunny afternoon. The chances are that most people reading this sentence can easily picture a bucolic scene in their mind’s eye. This ability to read a description of a scene and then imagine it has always been uniquely human. But this precious skill may no longer be ours alone.

Anyone thinking that these kinds of imaginings are far beyond the ability of today’s computing machines will be surprised by the work of Hiroharu Kato and Tatsuya Harada at the University of Tokyo in Japan.

Today, these guys unveil a machine that can translate a description of an object into an image. In other words, their computer can conjure an image of an external object not otherwise present. That’s a pretty good definition of imagination—in this case of the computational variety.

For sure, these computer imaginings are simple, sometimes confusing and often nonsensical. But the fact they are possible at all represents a significant step forward for computational creativity.

Physics arXiv: Image Reconstruction from Bag-of-Visual-Words
Hiroharu Kato, Tatsuya Harada

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Chase Vapor

Chase Vapor, is my potential animated series featuring a strong female teenager as its lead, is up for consideration at Amazon studios. If you follow the link you can vote for it and help improve its chances of actually getting made. You do have to sign up to vote, but it's free and would really help us out The more 5 star reviews and positive comments the better.
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stolen moments

Strange as it seems I was listening to a metaphysical film on quantum, light and spirituality. Then I was presented with the opportunity to learn to use a real camera. I've been using my tablet cam but seriously, it's not a serious camera. In the back of my mind a world opened about capturing a moment of light.

You know it's rude to take someone's photo without permission? Think about that statement, "Take someone's photo." Do the photons of light captured by the camera belong to the person who's light was captured. Many primitive peoples are camera shy, they have stories of the machine that steals souls (so I've heard).

A story popped up about a fashion model who couldn't piece her galactic history together because of the holes, blank zones created by photographs she didn't possess. Or the psychic detective who left his photo in the places he wanted to snoop around. He had a terrible time retrieving them, was almost a suspect. And the world traveller who never left his house yet been everywhere in the pictures of his 20 year collection of National Geographic Magazines.

We see a blast in the distant galaxy and realize it happened thousands of years ago, the light of that event finally reaching us. Shutters so fast it captures slice after slice of time over a time span. Light strikes the face one way, the reflection hits your eye, tells a story. A different light strikes the same face and conveys a different story. People have their best side, want to be seen in a good light and hate being left in the dark. People live in shadows, view life with rose colored glasses and are blind to a great many things.

The good thing is that you can't clone yourself with many prints because each photon pattern that resembles you does not have the intelligent cluster of photons that is your consciousness. It a universal mantra "don't copy that floppy!". But perhaps there are parallel realities and you exist exponentially like a Russian puzzle doll, always one with itself, but clueless of the others. I leave the light on.......take a picture, it lasts longer.

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A New Dark Ages...

Image Source: CBC Radio link below

Topics: Commentary, Climate Change, Democracy, History, Politics, Science, STEM

"History repeats itself, and that's one of the things that's wrong with history."

Clarence Darrow

The post title is very stark, but not a subject I haven't commented on before. My concern is, this one as far as existential humanity, may be our last.

It's hard not to look at Al Qaeda, ISIS/ISIL, The Tea Party, Right-Wing Evangelicals, Quiverfull, The Westboro Baptist Church and not see similarities: they are all primarily authoritarian, and afraid. Like celebrity chimps they are loud, demonstrative, craving and gaining attention; disrespectful of diversity and boundaries and in some extreme cases deadly. They are afraid of the changes in society and a sense of lost control. This is evidenced on social media and our forms of entertainment. Some high profile recent falls from grace - The Duggars as a part of Quiverfull, a recent example - have logged disappointing performances regarding religious orders in the public sphere in the eyes of more skeptical youth, that are fleeing the pews. The fearful thus gravitate to those who seem to have "the answers": simple, comforting and confirming their own hard-ingrained beliefs.

Fear: evidence may or may not agree with ancient texts, followers of which are operating in the realm of faith as well as culture. It can be a positive characteristic that unifies. There is nothing inherently wrong with that.

There is something inherently wrong when the louder primates force their cognitive dissonance on everyone else. Texas pushed through books last year that identify Moses as a Founding Father in defiance of sense and actual history. The problem being other states are now making their textbook purchases essentially based on land mass. CREATIONISM IS NOT SCIENCE, and I will continue saying that not because it's my opinion: it is simply fact. This lunacy is destructive and self-defeating to our survival as a nation. It's a matter of knowing what is real and reality and what is not; what to be concerned about to make rational decisions or not. We cannot make decisions on climate change, alternative energy solutions, infrastructure renewal because it goes against a dogma - a conservative-free market-libertarian ideology. Fun fact: Ayn Rand did not like libertarians. Demonstrably, or should I say not so: not a single circuit design; not a single Nobel laureate; not a single invention or industry innovation that has impacted the lives of millions or billions of people has come out of this faux sacred naval-gazing! I think it would be rude for anyone to interrupt a Imam, Priest or Rabbi to "correct the science" in a sermon based on ancient texts, but no such courtesy is reciprocated to the scientific community. It is the height of incongruity to fear and loathe science and technology, while relying on it for commerce, entertainment and diatribes. It is highly unrealistic to believe a nation at the forefront of technological advances can stay there forever on this path into willed ignorance. Knowledge is democratizing and ubiquitous, and science will be performed here, or somewhere else. The flow of currency and GDP will be clear evidence of this folly. It was the reason for the decline of Rome: we are its modern doppelganger.

"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce."

Karl Marx

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience."

George Bernard Shaw

An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. It is therefore imperative that the nation see to it that a suitable education be provided for all its citizens. It should be noted, that when Jefferson speaks of "science," he is often referring to knowledge or learning in general.

CBC Radio: Science Under Siege, Paul Kennedy

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Ariana Miyamoto - Miss Japan 2015, image source @ link below

Topics: Beauty, Commentary, Civil Rights, Human Dignity, Human Rights

The American enterprise has been emulated since "Exceptionalism" became a neologism in our lexicon. We may have also exported some of our evils.

Perhaps the indigenous population of the Japanese nation don't quite realize they are an amalgamation of several migrating tribes of humanity: Chinese, Korean, Southeast Asian (see link). I'm speculating, I really don't know. Masutatsu Oyama - the founder of Kyokushin Karate - was born Choi Young-Eui in Gimje, South Korea during the Japanese occupation. Wikipedia One of his books - Mastering Karate - traced martial arts to the African continent. We are ALL from the African continent, all aspects and hues of humanity started there as the tropics near the equator was the best incubator for "man-thinking": homo sapiens; tools and opposable thumbs; weapons for defense and offense Going from tree dwellers to hunter-gatherers, we settled in villages with agriculture. City-states emerged, fueled by architecture, writing and trade. Eventually, some of us migrated eastward and northward, probably driven by curiosity, deficit attention spans; greed and power. Over time, our outward appearance due to ultraviolet radiation and Melanin, changed with respect to our environments.

Over time, we thinking men created our own mythologies about our unique tribes. Our deities generally looked like us; our culture and jurisprudence fashioned on not getting struck by their wrath. Slowly, verifiable evidence measured higher than dogma as far as survival. The Scientific Method was born.

Perhaps there are no relatives of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, or at least nowadays in minimal numbers. Perhaps there is no cultural memory of the indignities paid to people like George Takei (Mr. Sulu of Star Trek), when his entire Japanese-American family was interned during World War II for the crime of being Japanese. Or maybe, that's the point here.

Mythologies are self-deluding, and become echo chambers and fill in gaps that actual histories could occupy. One begins to believe the "internal press" about one's culture; one's's exceptionalism.

Ariana Miyamoto is exceptionally beautiful. The fact her parentage is Japanese and African American is irrelevant to that reality. "Hafu" is the Japanese neologism for half-Japanese, similar to light-skinned or Mulatto in the United States. As I said, we've inadvertently exported our sins and dirty laundry.

Beyond tribalism, we should become true cosmopolitans - residents of the Earth and by extension the universe - and part of the tribe called human.

The beauty contest winner making Japan look at itself
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes, BBC News, Tokyo

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Cartoon Physics...

Image Source:

Topics: Comic Books, Physics Humor, Physics and Pop Culture

Comic books are our modern mythology. We await with baited breath the donnybrook also known as Batman v Superman, though we don't yet know why the "Super Friends" start their inevitable bromance with a grudge match. Avengers: Age of Ultron answered who else was "worthy" enough - Vision - to lift Thor's hammer - forged in the heart of a dying star, which kind of suggests a Brown Dwarf or White Dwarf, meaning nothing in the universe worthy or not should be able to lift a teaspoon of Mjolnir (except apparently, a nail on the wall of Dr. Jane Foster's apartment in "Dark World" - seriously, look again). Technically, Vision came to life from it, so a one-armed curl shouldn't be past his AI abilities. Of course, there are others who lift "the smasher" - including the Hulk, who heretofore couldn't no matter how mad he got!

Currently in vogue on television are series like Agents of Shield (with the exception of enhanced humans and demigods, pretty terrestrial in its physics); Arrow (essentially, Batman with a bow); Gotham (that is so dark, it's a wonder Bruce Wayne or Jim Gordon WANT to stay there); and of course the breakout hit, the societal, self double entrendre: The Flash.

The series ended (spoiler alert) with a lot of cockeyed physics, like running at twice the speed of sound, colliding with a single proton in an accelerator and opening a wormhole so his nemesis - The Reverse Flash (a really pissed-off psychopath that comes back to create The Flash to KILL him - ahem: keep up), so he could go home. Home in this case, the 25th Century, bypassing Kirk and Picard's paltry epochs by two centuries where they apparently have time travel, but no cows for hamburgers, if Rev is to be "believed." The cliffhanger was Barry doing the heroes sacrifice of running into a black hole opening above Central City - that in real world physics would have killed most of the population with its radiation and ground the Earth into hamburger meat, Flash included. Ray Bradbury would be proud of the echo from his "A Sound of Thunder," an apocryphal foundation for time travel stories since its inception.

Of course, it's all hokey fun. Doing a serious and somewhat tongue-in-cheek search on the actual physics of superluminal (i.e. faster than light speed travel) resulted an interesting paper and related article [1, 3]; some humorous posts [2, 4], also tongue-in-cheek funny. Humor is always a good hook for STEM lectures and teenagers.

I enjoy the shows just like anyone else. For any story line to sell its audience, there is the usual suspension of belief in the verisimilitude of the fictional world and its "laws of cartoon physics." Alas, poor Yorick - our laws are binding. Even the Batman - my favorite, since he was for me the most believable - can't escape the laws we're subject to on a daily basis - like all of us mere mortals subject to Entropy, he wears out too. Life without magic is kind of a drag, but there's still much wonder in reality.

For any of these shows, I become that kid on 25th and Cleveland Avenue in Winston-Salem, NC that used to enjoy a nerdy Saturday with my best friend - trading and reading comic books, something sadly I don't think kids do much of anymore. I'm trying not to be the sour physics guy pointing out every impossibility in a movie or TV series - as I've gotten older, I'm better in large groups at keeping my mouth shut.

Smiley Faces

1. Physics arXiv: How superluminal motion can lead to backward time travel
Robert J. Nemiro and David M. Russelly
2. Geek: Quantum physics just solved one of the great paradoxes of time travel, Graham Templeton
3. Scientific American: Time Travel Simulation Resolves “Grandfather Paradox”, Lee Billings
4. PBS News Hour: Spider-Math and Bat-Physics: Science in a Superhero World, Rebecca Jacobson

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Alice's Wonderland...

Image Source: ESA Rosetta Blog

Topics: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Comets, Rosetta, Spectrograph

A close-up of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by NASA's ultraviolet instrument surprised scientists by revealing that electrons close to the comet's surface—not photons from the Sun as had been believed—cause the rapid breakup of water and carbon dioxide molecules spewing from the surface.

Since last August, the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft has orbited within a hundred miles of the comet in this historic mission. The spectrograph onboard, named Alice, specializes in the far-ultraviolet wavelength band and was developed by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI). Alice examines light the comet is emitting to understand the chemistry of the comet's atmosphere, or coma. A spectrograph is a tool astronomers use to split light into its various colors. Scientists can identify the chemical composition of gases by examining their light spectrum. Alice is the first such far-ultraviolet spectrograph to operate at a comet.
NASA's Alice ultraviolet (UV) spectrograph, seen here during construction, is aboard the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft. Credit: Southwest Research Institute

"The discovery we're reporting is quite unexpected," said Alice instrument Principal Investigator Dr. Alan Stern, an associate vice president in SwRI's Space Science and Engineering Division. "It shows us the value of going to comets to observe them up close, since this discovery simply could not have been made from Earth or Earth's orbit with any existing or planned observatory. And, it is fundamentally transforming our knowledge of comets. Alice instrument's ultraviolet close-up provides a surprising discovery about comet's atmosphere

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The Introduction of JC Henry

     I have been here at BSFS for about 2 maybe 3 months.  I should have written something and posted here a while ago.  I have been handling this writing path so badly I am not always sure what to do next.  So with that in mind.  I am re-posting a piece I did about the relaunch of  Last year  I came to terms with what I could do and what I couldn't.   I was tired of my writing being marginalized by everyone, myself included.  I decided to give it the priority I believed it should have had all the time.  Hence the remaking of the Flagship. 

     J. Christina Henry (JC) became a writer, when she was 12 years old.  JC had various reasons the two most important now are:

          1.  She always told herself stories.  They were her bedtime stories.  Original stories or          additions to her established favorites, JC later learned that it was called fan fiction.

          2.  The year before in 6th grade she committed plagiary.  She felt very guilty about it but        could not admit it until she was older.  She needs to redeem herself and create an original story.

     Fueled with the stories of the Sweet Valley High series, anything produced by Harlequin and Silhouette romance, Greek mythology and fairy tales.  JC knew she could write a story with the same feel of her idols.  JC began to struggle with  a Cinderella type story and character development.  It was an arduous process.  Since JC knew nothing about writing.

     JC told everyone she knew that writing was her calling.  She had dream of becoming an acclaimed author and a movie deal.  It didn't seem impossible for a young girl from Brownsville, Brooklyn. Then a relative read her work out loud without permission.  JC was devastated.  She wasn't ready and the story wasn't either.  The story was really bad, not worth printing.   It was the worst moment in her life.   JC couldn’t fix the story and the desire to continue writing had died.  She believed she was done with it and considered a career in teaching or librarian science.  Although it was seriously wounded the inclination to be a storyteller was strong.  It was seriously wounded but came back.  JC found a new possible story.  She delved into epic fantasy, leaving the genre which would be called later young adult romance alone.

      In the 1990”s JC was in high school.  It seemed to her that there was  type of black writer’s spring. Many new African -American writers debuted.  JC was exposed to Terry McMillan, Bebe Moore Campbell, Sandra Kitt, Rochelle Alers, Brenda Jackson and Valerie Wilson.  JC read stories in every genre and believed that she had an original idea in each.  But she wasn't consistent.  Then she found Octavia E. Butler and later in the decade Nalo Hopkinson.  These writers inspired her to write paranormal/speculative fiction.


   JC has worked in this genre for many years.  That bad reading experience made her wary of showing her work.  For many years she worked without critical feedback to guide her work.  As a result, she most likely got lost on decent underdeveloped ideas and couldn't get back on track with them and lost interest.  She had a day job to support herself and small family.  She told herself that she didn't need critical acclaim, notoriety or a movie deal.   She doesn't need to be a literary great or a newly recognized one.  JC writes now for the pleasure of the word.   The understanding that although her stories may sometimes seem similar to others ( Another fear that stunted her work), her stories are her own because no one can tell them like she can.   With this epiphany, JC began sharing pages of her work with a writer’s group in Atlanta.  JC and family lived there for a few years before moving back to NYC.  The first writers group was a great experience.   It took her longer than expected but JC found a group in NYC.  She attended faithfully for a summer and learned helpful tip for her work.  She also read her work out loud for the first time. It was frightening but positive.  She didn’t wow her audience with her brilliant story; they let her finally notice problem areas.


 Some might wonder what is the point of all this.  This blog was renamed the Flagship.  It has been active for almost 4 years or more.  JC cannot recall posting her work on this blog.  She has whined about not being read (no real comments), not being skinny, not being employed.  She may have complained about being single, having writer's blog or reader’s block etc.   She will also attempt to be  less self -deprecating and more optimistic.  She may have attempted to write reviews on the things she likes books, movies, anime etc.  But not her stories.  So coming soon (mostly at the end of February), JC will post some of her fiction on this site.  She hopes it will interest, entertain and attract readers.  She has no illusion that it will catch a book deal but if that should happen she will not throw it away.

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The grande dame of fantasy Ursula K Le Guin has weighed in forcefully to the debate about Amazon’s role in publishing. In a blogpost on the site Book View Cafe, entitled “Up the Amazon with the BS Machine, or Why I Keep Asking You Not to Buy Books from Amazon”, the American author has spoken out against what she describes as the company’s increasing influence not only on the bookselling market but also on which books get published, promoted and read. Her fierce conclusion is: “Every book purchase made from Amazon is a vote for a culture without content and without contentment.”

Click here for the full story

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